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Look at that sweet smile! Molly, or Mama Molly as we like to call her, is the very first Katahdin Hair Sheep that we acquired. Our neighbors and purchased two other lambs at the same time and we jointly bottle fed four babies to together. She has delivered 8 babies in total for us, including one set of triplets. She is often the ring-leader in causing mischief, but regardless she is a farm favorite!

We love to hatch eggs, and ducks are one of the absolute cutest baby animals. Did you know that baby ducks can swim immediately after hatching?! And guess what else!? It's adorable, of course!

Ducks are also excellent eggs layers and their eggs are great for baking! Ducks have lots of character and are always talking to each other as they walk around the property, planning their next swim.   

Meet Betsy! Betsy is one of the triplets that that was born on our farm in the Spring of 2019  by our Mama Molly. Molly passed on her lovely temperament to Betsy who is exceptionally friendly. Betsy  herself lambed for the first time herself this Spring and delivered a sweet little brown lamb. Spring time is an amazing time on the Ranch- so many babies!

Where is a great place to take a nap? In a wreath of course! Trixie is one of our barn cats who is an amazing mouser and great mama!  She is currently nursing her 4th litter of kittens who are all growing quickly. Trixie's kittens will be ready for snuggles and new homes at the time of the pumpkin patch this year!

Well, last winter was a rough one on hives despite the mild temps, but our hives are doing incredible this year! Our 2 original hives have grown so large that they split and we now have 4 hives! In this picture, our resident bee keeper (aka "Dad" or "Matt"), is catching the first of 3 swarms. We were able to smoke the bees and rehome them into a new roomy hive with some of last year's honey. Harvesting honey in September is one of our favorite and most delicious farm activities!

This is one of my favorite lamb photos- this is actually our sweet Betsy when she was first born. She was the runty triplet, and sister to Wilma and Ester. Besty  was the last of the triplets to be delivered, and due to some delivery complications had to be manually pulled. She was actually so small I wasn't sure she would make it but remarkably she grew quickly and is such a lovely sheep to have around. All 3 of the triplets continued on as our foundation breeding stock on the ranch.

Meet a few

of our fuzzy crew...


It all began with horses, but now you will find a variety of friendly farm animals on the Ranch. Those currently include a pony, a donkey, Katahdin Hair Sheep, chickens & ducks, Royal Palm Turkeys, feeder pigs, Dexter cattle, Nigerian Dwarf Goats, and Juliana Mini Pigs. You will always find new additions, including babies on the Ranch. We are excited to have piglets, kittens and a new calf will to greet visitors this Fall!

Farm experiences are also ever changing. This year's pumpkin patch will be held around the over 100 year old barn (original to the property) that Matt has been renovating. Pony rides, a new petting zoo area and bonfires are are also new features of this year's pumpkin patch.